Set on the edge of the beautiful cliffs of Cascais...
"Set on the absolute waterfront of Cascais’s dramatic Atlantic coastline, Farol Hotel reflects the unique charm of the township. Delightful old-world houses and cobbled streets frame a graceful bay on Portugal’s spectacular Estoril Coast to tell the story of a bygone era. The capital, Lisbon and the international airport are an easy 35-minute drive along excellent roads. A local train also runs between the city and Cascais.
As a proud member of prestigious Design Hotels, Farol Hotel is a wonderfully eclectic composition of adventurous architecture that embraces a remodeled 19th century private mansion that was once owned by the Count of Cabral, together with unique contemporary additions. The result is an inspire union of the old and the new.
The Farol Hotel has a non-smoking policy in all its areas.
Recently, there were additions and new features introduced to the hotel. And not resting on its laurels, the hotel continues with enhancements that include a new spa, three Front Sea View Deluxe Rooms, two Duplex Suites and space enrichments during 2020; with a minimum of fuss and a wonderful outcome."